Chi's Sweet Home | Season 1

1. Chi's Sweet Home: Chi's Sweet Home (2008)

Chi Gets Lost

1. Chi Gets Lost

0Monday, 31st March 2008 3min
Chi ends up lost when walking with her family.
Chi is Picked Up

2. Chi is Picked Up

0Tuesday, 1st April 2008 3min
Chi is found by a young boy and his mother.
Chi Has a Tough Time

3. Chi Has a Tough Time

0Wednesday, 2nd April 2008 3min
Mr. and Mrs. Yamada try to give Chi a bath.
Chi Forgets

4. Chi Forgets

0Thursday, 3rd April 2008 3min
Chi wants to go home, but is distracted by a number of new experiences.
Chi Begins

5. Chi Begins

0Monday, 7th April 2008 3min
Settling into her new home, Chi struggles to understand where the toilet is.
Chi Continues

6. Chi Continues

0Tuesday, 8th April 2008 3min
After Chi mistakes his bag for a toilet, Mr. Yamada sets out to buy a litter box for her.
Chi Gets Disappointed

7. Chi Gets Disappointed

0Wednesday, 9th April 2008 3min
The newspaper Chi was playing on is replaced with a litter box.
Chi Understands

8. Chi Understands

0Thursday, 10th April 2008 3min
Chi believes she understands why people say a certain word to her a lot.
Chi Remembers

9. Chi Remembers

0Monday, 14th April 2008 3min
Chi remembers her mother and tries to go out and find her.
Chi Dreams

10. Chi Dreams

0Tuesday, 15th April 2008 3min
Asleep after a long day, Chi has dreams and nightmares about her past.
Chi is Adopted

11. Chi is Adopted

0Wednesday, 16th April 2008 3min
The Yamada family believes they've found a new owner for Chi, but Chi isn't so sure.
Chi Decides

12. Chi Decides

0Thursday, 17th April 2008 3min
The Yamada family decides to keep Chi as they can't give her to anyone.
Chi Gets Excited

13. Chi Gets Excited

0Monday, 21st April 2008 3min
Yohei is told to clear up some bouncy balls, but Chi knocks them down.
Chi Accepts

14. Chi Accepts

0Tuesday, 22nd April 2008 3min
Mr. Yamada worries that Chi doesn't have any toys.
Chi Plays

15. Chi Plays

0Wednesday, 23rd April 2008 3min
Chi has a bundle of new toys, but doesn't know what to do with them.
Chi Gets In the Way

16. Chi Gets In the Way

0Thursday, 24th April 2008 3min
Mr. Yamada is trying to work. Chi has other ideas.
Chi Runs Away

17. Chi Runs Away

0Monday, 28th April 2008 3min
After Mrs. Yamada frightens her, Chi dashes out of the apartment.
Chi Takes a Walk

18. Chi Takes a Walk

0Tuesday, 29th April 2008 3min
Chi discovers the world outside the apartment.
Chi Explores

19. Chi Explores

0Wednesday, 30th April 2008 3min
While Yohei searches for her outside, Chi has fun discovering the local park.
Chi Is Left Alone

20. Chi Is Left Alone

0Thursday, 1st May 2008 3min
The park becomes lonely and scary at night.
Chi Goes to the Hospital (Part 1)

21. Chi Goes to the Hospital (Part 1)

0Monday, 5th May 2008 3min
It's time for Chi's health checkup, but how to smuggle her out?
Chi Goes to the Hospital (Part 2)

22. Chi Goes to the Hospital (Part 2)

0Tuesday, 6th May 2008 3min
The landlady nearly spots Chi, but Yohei's quick thinking saves the day.
Chi Goes to the Hospital (Part 3)

23. Chi Goes to the Hospital (Part 3)

0Wednesday, 7th May 2008 3min
Chi's first medical check-up is a traumatic experience.
Chi Hates

24. Chi Hates

0Thursday, 8th May 2008 3min
Chi is afraid that Mr. Yamada wants to take her for another check-up, and won't come near him.
Chi Obsesses

25. Chi Obsesses

0Monday, 12th May 2008 3min
Chi wants to scratch something. Unfortunately, her objects of choice are very expensive.
Chi Chooses

26. Chi Chooses

0Tuesday, 13th May 2008 3min
Mr. Yamada gets a new pair of jeans, but Chi prefers the old ones.
Chi Misunderstands

27. Chi Misunderstands

0Wednesday, 14th May 2008 3min
The Yamadas buy Chi a board to scratch, but she isn't sure what it's meant to do.
Chi Gets Her Claws Clipped

28. Chi Gets Her Claws Clipped

0Thursday, 15th May 2008 3min
Mr. Yamada undertakes the dangerous mission of clipping Chi's claws.
Chi Prevents From Leaving

29. Chi Prevents From Leaving

0Monday, 19th May 2008 3min
Mrs. Yamada needs to go shopping, but Chi wants to come along for the ride.
Chi is Lured

30. Chi is Lured

0Tuesday, 20th May 2008 3min
Things are inexplicably boring around Chi's house, and dinner is unusually large... a conspiracy is afoot to help her become independent.
Chi House Sits (Part 1)

31. Chi House Sits (Part 1)

0Wednesday, 21st May 2008 3min
It's Chi's first day home alone, but Mr. Yamada is worried about her.
Chi House Sits (Part 2)

32. Chi House Sits (Part 2)

0Thursday, 22nd May 2008 3min
Chi learns that an apartment without humans in it isn't as delightful as it seemed.
Chi Finds

33. Chi Finds

0Monday, 26th May 2008 3min
Mrs. Yamada needs to take out the trash, but Chi clings to the bag. Mrs. Yamada distracts Chi with a ball, but while Mrs. Yamada is out, Chi climbs up to the window and is almost seen.
Chi Wants to See

34. Chi Wants to See

0Tuesday, 27th May 2008 3min
Mrs. Yamada takes away the books and boxes so Chi can't climb to the window. However, when Chi jumps, she's just a few inches short of reaching the windowsill.
Chi Sees

35. Chi Sees

0Wednesday, 28th May 2008 3min
Chi is able to jump up to the windowsill, so Mrs. Yamada closes the door to Mr. Yamada's workroom. This angers Chi. Mr. Yamada buys a stuffed animal.
Chi Is Found

36. Chi Is Found

0Thursday, 29th May 2008 3min
When talking with some neighbors outside, Mrs. Yamada thinks they've seen Chi in the window. However, it was the stuffed animal that Mr. Yamada bought. So, they buy more stuffed animals to put on the windowsill so Chi blends in.
Chi is Deeply Moved

37. Chi is Deeply Moved

0Monday, 2nd June 2008 3min
Chi searches for a delicious snack, then later eats Yohei's pancakes and finds them delicious.
Chi Has a Quarrel

38. Chi Has a Quarrel

0Tuesday, 3rd June 2008 3min
Chi thinks that everything Yohei plays with is prey. So, Yohei tries to find things Chi will not like, but only makes Chi happier and then she rubs against Yohei's hand.
Chi Takes a Bath

39. Chi Takes a Bath

0Wednesday, 4th June 2008 3min
Chi becomes suspicious of how much fun Yohei and Dad are having fun in the bath, so she goes in to see what they are doing. After Yohei pours toys in the tub, Chi looks over them and wants to play but unfortunately falls into the tub.
Chi Has a Showdown

40. Chi Has a Showdown

0Thursday, 5th June 2008 3min
Yohei and Chi are both annoying each other with their bad sleeping postures, then later sleep comfortably together.
Chi Stands Firm

41. Chi Stands Firm

0Monday, 9th June 2008 3min
While Chi and Yohei are playing in the sand box, a large black cat appears from behind the bushes. They run inside, but the black cat walks into their home.
Chi Encounters

42. Chi Encounters

0Tuesday, 10th June 2008 3min
The black cat appears again in the Yamada house and eats Chi's dinner while the others are away.
Chi is Edible

43. Chi is Edible

0Wednesday, 11th June 2008 3min
After eating Chi's dinner, the black cat picks her up and walks over to take her chew toy and Chi tries to protect it. Then the black cat decides to groom Chi's back and so Chi realizes the cat isn't as mean as it looks. And leaves once again into the bushes.
Chi Reports

44. Chi Reports

0Thursday, 12th June 2008 3min
Everyone tells Dad about the large black cat at dinner.
Chi Gets Attention

45. Chi Gets Attention

0Monday, 16th June 2008 3min
Chi wants to play with everyone but everyone is too busy. Once they all come together to play with her, she dislikes the attention and walks away.
Chi Collects Interest

46. Chi Collects Interest

0Tuesday, 17th June 2008 3min
Chi tries to grab the Yamada family's attention when they sit together and discuss how they should go to Kyoto after seeing a postcard from Grandma.
Chi Sticks

47. Chi Sticks

0Wednesday, 18th June 2008 3min
Chi is housesitting again and gets her tail stuck to a roll of tape.
Chi Feigns Ignorance

48. Chi Feigns Ignorance

0Thursday, 19th June 2008 3min
Chi tries to remove the tape off her tail, and in the process she wrecks Dad's room.
Chi Pursues

49. Chi Pursues

0Monday, 23rd June 2008 3min
Chi follows the black cat and talks to it.
Chi Learns

50. Chi Learns

0Tuesday, 24th June 2008 3min
The black cat hides Chi from a dog, then later tells her that she's a cat.
Chi Practices

51. Chi Practices

0Wednesday, 25th June 2008 3min
Chi hides from a dog, then can't find her way home.
Chi Goes Home

52. Chi Goes Home

0Thursday, 26th June 2008 3min
Chi returns home by taking advice from the big black cat by looking at the sky.
Chi Rebels

53. Chi Rebels

0Monday, 30th June 2008 3min
Dad tries to take Chi to the vet, so she runs outside. The land lady almost sees her until the black cat jumps out of a window saving the Yamada family and Chi.
Chi Resists

54. Chi Resists

0Tuesday, 1st July 2008 3min
Dad brings out the basket to take Chi to the vet, but Chi knows the basket means she's going to the vet so she runs away every time they try to put her in there... until she traps herself and Yohei catches her.
Chi Grows Timid

55. Chi Grows Timid

0Wednesday, 2nd July 2008 3min
Chi goes to the vet after Yohei captures her. When she returns home the black cat tells her not to trust humans, but Chi doesn't know what trust is.
Chi Finds Comrades

56. Chi Finds Comrades

0Thursday, 3rd July 2008 3min
Chi returns home just to eat, but gets a treat of Tuna of tells the Yamada family to be her comrades.
Chi Gets Excited

57. Chi Gets Excited

0Monday, 7th July 2008 3min
There's a storm coming to the Yamada home.
Chi Gets Thrown Out

58. Chi Gets Thrown Out

0Tuesday, 8th July 2008 3min
When Yohei goes outside to get his toy truck from being swept by the storm, Chi is left outside.
Chi Surprises

59. Chi Surprises

0Wednesday, 9th July 2008 3min
Dad finds Chi outside the window in the storm.
Chi Chases

60. Chi Chases

0Thursday, 10th July 2008 3min
The power goes out in the Yamada house, so Dad brings out the flashlight and Chi chases it, then Mom and Yohei all play with Chi with the flashlight in the dark.
Chi Cuddles

61. Chi Cuddles

0Monday, 14th July 2008 3min
Yohei becomes ill, but Chi still wants to play. So she stands over him while he sleeps, then eventually cuddles and sleeps next to him.
Chi Stays Close

62. Chi Stays Close

0Tuesday, 15th July 2008 3min
Mom becomes sick so Yohei tries to help her.
Chi Turns Around

63. Chi Turns Around

0Wednesday, 16th July 2008 3min
After Yohei and Mom are no longer ill, Dad catches a cold.
Chi Annoys

64. Chi Annoys

0Thursday, 17th July 2008 3min
Dad is trying to get better but all Chi wants to do is play.
Chi Wants

65. Chi Wants

0Monday, 21st July 2008 3min
Chi tries a tasty cat treat and refuses to eat her dinner.
Chi Sulks

66. Chi Sulks

0Tuesday, 22nd July 2008 3min
Yohei and Dad are out, so Mom catches up on some housework and accidentally scares Chi while cleaning the floors, so she bribes her with snacks.
Chi Finds

67. Chi Finds

0Wednesday, 23rd July 2008 3min
While getting ready to go out Mrs. Yamada loses her ring, Chi then helps her find her ring
Chi Kneads

68. Chi Kneads

0Thursday, 24th July 2008 3min
Chi looks for a place to nap, then ends up kneading and falling asleep on Mrs. Yamada.
Chi Thinks

69. Chi Thinks

0Monday, 28th July 2008 3min
Chi gets a taste of milk and ends up wanting more, so she tries to think of a way to get more, but ends up eventually forgetting about the milk while playing with a plastic bag.
Chi Tastes

70. Chi Tastes

0Tuesday, 29th July 2008 3min
The Yamadas decide to make a meal for Chi, but when they give it to her they forget to let the meal cool off.
Chi Overeats

71. Chi Overeats

0Wednesday, 30th July 2008 3min
Chi finds where her food is stored and ends up eating all she wants. Mr. and Mrs. Yamada then worry if she's sick.
Chi Hangs Around

72. Chi Hangs Around

0Thursday, 31st July 2008 3min
While the Yamadas eat dinner they end up giving bits of their food to Chi which makes her believe all food on the table is yummy. To make her stop begging for their food they put her cat food dish on the table.
Chi Sheds

73. Chi Sheds

0Monday, 4th August 2008 3min
Chi's shedding season has started leaving fur all over the house. Then a woman from the neighborhood stops by, so the Yamadas have to hide Chi and all her fur as well!
Chi Gets Brushed

74. Chi Gets Brushed

0Tuesday, 5th August 2008 3min
Chi's shedding so Mr. Yamada decides to buy a brush for Chi. Chi ignores Mr. Yamada's attempt to brush her a first but once he starts she really likes being combed!
Chi Likes

75. Chi Likes

0Wednesday, 6th August 2008 3min
Chi really likes being brushed so she ends up following Mr. Yamada everywhere asking to be brushed. Chi ends up getting brushed so often that Mr. Yamada's arm starts to get tired.
Chi Breaks

76. Chi Breaks

0Thursday, 7th August 2008 3min
After being brushed Chi leaves fur on the brush which Yohei then collects until he has enough for a large ball. When Mr. Yamada discovers what Yohei has been doing the family talks about it until Chi grabs the ball of fur and starts to play with it sending fur flying everywhere
Chi Doesn't Get It

77. Chi Doesn't Get It

0Monday, 11th August 2008 3min
Chi and Yohei both want to play but seem to have different definitions of fun, Mrs. Yamada then tells them to clean up so they can have snacks.
Chi Hides

78. Chi Hides

0Tuesday, 12th August 2008 3min
Chi and Yohei decide to play hide-and-seek.
Chi Hides Some More

79. Chi Hides Some More

0Wednesday, 13th August 2008 3min
Playing hide-and-seek with Yohei, Chi hides in a dresser drawer, but when Yohei goes to have a snack he forgets about finding Chi.
Chi Is Found

80. Chi Is Found

0Thursday, 14th August 2008 3min
Yohei remembers the game of hide-and-seek and the Yamadas start looking for Chi, while Chi wakes up and tries to escape the drawer.
Chi Learns

81. Chi Learns

0Monday, 18th August 2008 3min
Chi learns how to open the screen door when the black bear cat shows her how, Chi also learns How to mark her territory and hunt prey.
Chi Fails

82. Chi Fails

0Tuesday, 19th August 2008 3min
Chi continues to follow the black bear cat, then chases pigeons. No matter what Chi does shes can't catch any pigeons
Chi Plays a Game

83. Chi Plays a Game

0Wednesday, 20th August 2008 3min
Chi chases pigeons while the black bear cat watches but she can't catch any. After being laughed at by a pigeons, the black bear cat tells Chi to sneak up on the pigeons using the bushes.
Chi is Seen

84. Chi is Seen

0Thursday, 21st August 2008 3min
While Chi and the black bear cat head home, they spot another cat urinating on a car. Black bear cat, furious because the car is part of his territory, chases the other cat away. Unfortunately, the car's owner sees the urine on his bumper and blames the black bear cat. Chi and the black bear cat are forced to flee to Chi's house.
Chi Opens

85. Chi Opens

0Monday, 25th August 2008 3min
Chi opens the screen door and tries to go outside when Yohei stops her. As the Yamadas try to figure out why the screen door was left opens they then watch as Chi opens the screen door again and tries to escape, again.
Chi Hides

86. Chi Hides

0Tuesday, 26th August 2008 3min
The landlady drops by for a visit so the Yamadas must hide Chi from her.
Chi Hides More

87. Chi Hides More

0Wednesday, 27th August 2008 3min
With the landlady visiting, Youkei and Chi hide in the bathroom but because Chi wants to play, the Yamadas have to try to make up excuses so she doesn't find Chi.
Chi Makes Peace

88. Chi Makes Peace

0Thursday, 28th August 2008 3min
Mr. and Mrs. Yamada discuss what they should do with Chi but Chi keeps distracting them by wanting to play.
Chi is Photographed

89. Chi is Photographed

0Monday, 1st September 2008 3min
Mr. Yamada wants to take a picture of Chi but every time he is about to take the picture Chi moves, so when they finally get her to look at the camera, Chi really doesn't like the flash.
Chi is Attacked

90. Chi is Attacked

0Tuesday, 2nd September 2008 3min
Juri comes over for a visit but Chi doesn't seem to happy about her coming, deciding she can't let her guard down around Juri.
Chi is Interested

91. Chi is Interested

0Wednesday, 3rd September 2008 3min
Juri's brought a Crab with her from her home and Chi's interested in the live crab; Juri decides to pet Chi but is a little too rough.
Chi Hits it Off

92. Chi Hits it Off

0Thursday, 4th September 2008 3min
Chi's taken a liking to Juri and they start playing, leaving Yohei feeling left out.
Chi Learns

93. Chi Learns

0Monday, 8th September 2008 3min
Chi follows the black bear cat outside; the black bear cat and Chi try to steal food but end up being seen by the landlady and another resident.
Chi is Cornered

94. Chi is Cornered

0Tuesday, 9th September 2008 3min
Chi and the black bear cat escape from the landlady and are chased outside, meanwhile Yohei and Mrs. Yamada look for Chi and end up seeing Chi and the black bear cat's escape.
Chi Rests

95. Chi Rests

0Wednesday, 10th September 2008 3min
Chi and the black bear cat escape from the landlady by taking refuge in the black bear cat's home, But the landlady finds out where the black bear cat is staying so they have to escape out the window. Yohei and Mrs. Yamada continue to follow Chi's trail.
Chi Learns

96. Chi Learns

0Thursday, 11th September 2008 3min
Chi must jump out the window to the roof of another building but is too scared to do so, so the black bear cat tells her to "smile and look forward" giving her the courage to jump. Then while Chi and the black bear cat are getting down from the roof using a tree, Yohei seeing the black bear cat helping Chi.
Chi Strives

97. Chi Strives

0Monday, 15th September 2008 3min
The Yamadas discuss how Chi was seen by the landlady, while Chi climbs the curtains and ends up stuck and tangled.
Chi Desires

98. Chi Desires

0Tuesday, 16th September 2008 3min
The landlady sends out a notice stating that pets are forbidden in the apartments but Chi wants to go outside and visit the black bear cat.
Chi Waits

99. Chi Waits

0Wednesday, 17th September 2008 3min
Chi is sad that she's not allowed to go outside and play with the black bear cat so Chi waits by the door all day wishing to go out, while Mr. and Mrs. Yamada discuss whats best for Chi.
Chi Begs

100. Chi Begs

0Thursday, 18th September 2008 3min
Chi is sad and staring at the Moon wanting to go outside when the black bear cat appears at the door, Chi then begs Yohei to open the door so that Chi can play with the black bear cat and Yohei gives in and opens the door making Chi happy.
Chi Promises

101. Chi Promises

0Monday, 22nd September 2008 3min
The black bear cat brings Chi a "souvenir" and plays with her. Then as the black bear cat leaves Chi asks for the black bear cat to play with her again later and the black bear cat agrees, then leaves.
Chi Sees Off

102. Chi Sees Off

0Tuesday, 23rd September 2008 3min
The Yamadas and Chi watch as the black bear cat and his family pack up and move and as the black bear cat leaves Chi doesn't realize the black bear cat is moving.
Chi Cries

103. Chi Cries

0Wednesday, 24th September 2008 3min
The black bear cat moves away so Chi is sad.
Chi Discovers

104. Chi Discovers

0Thursday, 25th September 2008 3min
Chi discovers that the black bear cat is still there, she just can't see him.